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sci-fi, comedy / 2019 / Poland / 19:54 min


It is the year 2084. Men are about to extinct. In an aged villa surrounded by the thicket four women live in complete symbiosis. They wait for their menstrual cycles to synchronize. Each of them wants to become a mother, but the donor has to be only one. The longed-for day finally comes. The donor appears at the formal dinner during which he unexpectedly meets with an accident and – what everyone thinks – dies.


director: Anna Kasińska
script: Anna Kasińska
director of photography: Zuzanna Kernbach
editing: Grażyna Gradoń
music: Candelaria Saenz Valiente
cast: Agnieszka Grochowska, Joanna Brodzik, Karolina Porcari, Justyna Suwała and Tomasz Włosok
language: Polish
subtitles: English