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He spent his childhood and years of war in his home town Cracow. He studied Civil Engineering at Gdańsk University (graduated in 1961), later graduated Cinematography at Łódź Film School in 1968. He defended his thesis on „Humphrey Bogart. Actor and myth” in 1974. His debut as a director was a 24 minute TV novel „Cicha noc, święta noc” (1970), that tells a story of an attack on a German outpost located in the mountains. One of his most known directorial works are: „Śledztwo” (based on the S. Lem’s story), „Test pilota Pirxa” (also based on the S. Lem’s short-story „Rozprawa”, „Wilczyca”, TV series „Przyłbice i kaptury”, „Klątwa Doliny Węży”, some episodes of the soap-opera „Życie jak poker” and „Samo życie”. He is also the author of the biographical movie about Leon Niemczyk („Zawodowiec”), and also a number of documentaries regarding mountain climbing. He attended his practice in Hollywood, with the movie „Rosemary’s Baby”.

Meeting with Marek Piestrak will take place in Lublin, after the screening of his movie „Wilczyca” (28th November, 18:00), CK Cinema.